Palesa Nombula

05 Sep 2023
05 Sep 2023

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Look up the skill requirements from employment listings and upskill yourself by taking online courses.

Tutor Coodinator at the University of Johannesburg Soweto Science Centre

My field of study is Astrophysics and Space Science with this qualification, I was able to increase the scope of my profession by using data science in cosmological radio data and simulations to develop new optimisation techniques for one of the biggest radio telescopes in the world.

Key skills that have assisted me tremendously in my career was building a network and social presence, effective communication and building a progressive career development plan.

I am primarily writing code and presenting my research.

Start building your network - reach out to people (LinkedIn is a good platform) who are in your desired vocation. Look up the skill requirements from employment listings and upskill yourself by taking online courses. Develop your self-confidence and start having a vision of where you want to be in your career. People tend to become stagnant in their careers because they failed to have a career development plan.