Sophie Robertson

05 Sep 2023
05 Sep 2023

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In what way does your qualification relate to your work, whether directly or indirectly?

My LLB largely prepared me for my current position as candidate attorney in the litigation department of Bisset Boehmke McBlain. I am currently serving my articles in the Bisset's family law department and will be retained as an associate in this department in 2019. The family law course as well as the civil procedure course, in particular, which I had to complete in my first year and final year respectively of my LLB, will therefore directly have prepared me for where I am right now and where I will be in the near future.

What are the key skills that have contributed to your success thus far?

Legal practice is very different from what one studies during their LLB. My LLB at UCT gave me the necessary springboard to jump into legal practice in that it provided me with the necessary know-how of how to solve problems. If I don't know what the answer is I, at least know where to find the answer, which is half of the problem solved.

What are your day-to-day activities?

I meet with clients and interact with counsel (advocates) on a day to day basis. I draft legal pleadings for both high court and magistrate court, and research points of law in order to provide up to date advice to my clients.

Do you have any advice for a new graduate entering the world of work ( e.g. how to develop skills while at university ?)

If you intend on pursuing a legal career I would suggest taking up debate whilst at university. Debating teaches you to hone in on your both your oral and written argumentative skills which will be invaluable to you in legal practice. Join societies which interest you as they will create networks which may later in your working career come in handy as those people you meet may become your clients. The bigger and more diverse your network, the more successful you may be as a legal practitioner in future.