UCT Careers Service Voted #2 Best Careers Service Satisfaction in the world by UCT students 

29 Jun 2016
29 Jun 2016

UCT Careers Services was awarded with a solid vote of confidence from its students in the first globally benchmarked Universum survey with participating Careers Services across the world. The surveys have always been reported, but benchmarked regionally. 

In the 2016 survey, the results for top Careers Service came through with UCT Careers ranked as #2 Best Careers Service Satisfaction globally by UCT Students. These surveys have always been done regionally, so this is the first time they have been taken to this international level.   

The accolade took place for the first time at the inaugural award ceremony on 27 June in Stockholm.  

UCT Careers Service Director, David Casey accepted the award, as he was on the panel for the Universum Future of Talent Summit which was the host event for this prestigious award. Recognising his team for their “inspiring hard work, dedication and commitment” as confirmed by students who voted on the outstanding service delivered to students at UCT. 

Casey confirmed that the changing world of work means stronger, more agile strategies are essential for student career development to ensure their future success.  

How does the survey work? 

Careers Services around the world make a decision to participate in and complete the data collection for Universum on employer brands and top companies to work for across key sectors.  

Students in all main fields of study, across all year groups are targeted and a total number of 46,709 respondents took part in the Career Services survey worldwide. Northeastern University in Boston was named as #1 Global Career Services for satisfaction.  

The field period for the online study was August 2015 to January 2016, aimed at both students and graduated professionals and non-academics via alumni and current student databases. All students in the survey cited their top career goal as having a work/life balance.  

Casey continues, “We are visited annually by Universum to share our UCT students’ specific ratings for companies rated in order of preference from a South African perspective.”  

How the students rate their Careers Service offering on campus has been a new section added in the past two years.  

The insights in the 2016 report tell us what our student’s core career goals are, provides statistics on practical experience, and perceptions of the University which are invaluable to keep improving. This is the first time these global Careers Service awards have been awarded formally at an event.  

The Universum Future of Talent Summit is the natural context for these awards as it strives to bring together global thought leaders and strategists, to jointly shape the future of education, innovation and recruiting.  The three participant tracks provided a crossover, multidisciplined approach combining the forces of University | Innovation | Corporate who all connect with the student career journey.

Associate Professor Mbulungeni Madiba, Acting Dean of UCT’s Centre for Higher Education (CHED) in which the UCT Careers Service is located, also congratulated the team on the fine achievement.  

The mission of CHED is to support students through their university experience. Among its aims are improving student access, success and ensuring that UCT’s students and graduates are globally competitive, locally relevant, socially responsive and fully representative of South Africa’s diverse population.  

This marks an affirming moment for the UCT Careers Service team whose reason for being is to work with stakeholders to prepare UCT students to compete effectively and with confidence in the ever-changing, complex global market and in the South African context.