Graduate Jobs and Internships

Advertise your graduate and internship opportunities, around South Africa and the world, through our online job portal, MyCareer. Available exclusively to UCT students and alumni, MyCareer offers you direct access to thousands of UCT students and recent alumni looking for employment opportunities. MyCareer receives more than 2,000 hits per week and is designed to make sure that your opportunities are being seen by the right students at the right time.

If you have subscribed to the annual Graduate Recruitment Tier 1 Registration Package, your first five advertisements are free of charge. If you have subscribed to the Tier 2 option, you have two free advertisements free of charge.

For pricing on our registration packages and other offerings, please view our Rate Card.

Advertising is Quick and Easy!

New Employers:

  1. Go to the MyCareer Registration Page
  2. Choose your employer type (i.e. Organisation/Employer or NPO)
  3. Complete the relevant registration steps - NPO or VAT number is essential
  4. Click on add a new job
  5. Upload your opportunity

Existing Employers:

  1. Log into MyCareer
  2. Click on add a new job
  3. Upload your opportunity

For pricing please view our Rate Card.