Bachelor of Astrophysics/ Astronomy Programmes at UCT

The following degrees are available for the field of Astrophysics/ Astronomy. Please consult the webpage and the faculty handbooks available on the website for more detailed descriptions, admission requirements and fee information.

Three Year Undergraduate Degrees
Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics

Postgraduate Degrees
Postgraduate National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme (NASSP) Courses
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Astrophysics and Space Science
Masters of Science in Astrophysics and Space Science


    American Astronomical Society (AAS)
    AAS is the major organization of professional astronomers in North America. It provides valuable information on meetings, publications, policy, education, training, career services and other relevant resources.

    The Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (ASSA) KEY RESOURCE
    The ASSA comprises of a group of enthusiasts who share a common interest in astronomy, with centres across South Africa. The website provides valuable links regarding training, resources, activities, events, scholarships, awards and publications.

    European Astronomical Society (EAS)
    The EAS promotes and advances astronomy in Europe. It provides valuable links to other institutions and information regarding prizes, awards, meetings, conferences, publications, careers services and jobs.

    International Astronomical Union (IAU)
    The IAU promotes and safeguards the science of astronomy in all its aspects through international cooperation. The website provides valuable links to publications, resources, grants, prizes, member organisations, events and educational programmes.

    The Royal Astronomical Society (RAS)
    The RAS encourages and promotes the study of astronomy, solar-system science, geophysics and closely related branches of science. The website provides valuable links to events, meetings, publications, awards, grants, careers and education.

    Royal Society of South Africa (RSSaf)
    RSSaf recognises research excellence, organises scientific conferences, expeditions, workshops and seminars, fosters science education, publishes an accredited international journal and promotes public awareness of all aspects of science and technology.


    Astronomy Magazine KEY RESOURCE
    The Astronomy Magazine is a magazine devoted to the field of astronomy and provides up-to-date information regarding astronomy and relevant industry information.

    Astronomy & Astrophysics
    Astronomy & Astrophysics is an international journal that publishes papers on all aspects of astronomy and astrophysics (theoretical, observational, and instrumental) independently of the techniques used to obtain the results. This publication offers valuable, up-to-date insights about the field of astronomy and astrophysics.

    Science Daily
    Science Daily is a popular science news web site, which offers breaking news about the latest scientific discoveries.

    Science in Africa
    Science in Africa is Africa’s first online Science magazine. This online magazine provides up-to-date news and valuable insight on the field of science in Africa.


    Graduate Vacancies KEY RESOURCE
    Access graduate jobs and internships in the vacancy section of our site. Be sure to set up job email alerts and check our website regularly for news and events. KEY RESOURCE

    South African and African Jobs

    In South Africa employment in the astronomy and astrophysics field is found at astronomical research facilities [e.g. HartRAO (, SAAO (, SA SKA and MeerKAT] and at universities. Opportunities in South Africa are especially good with two multi-million rand astronomy projects in progress: the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) and the South African Square Kilometre Array Project (SA SKA), which includes the Karoo Array telescope (MeerKAT).

    DST-NRF Internship Programme 2016/17
    The National Research Foundation (NRF) is responsible for the management of the DST-NRF Internship Programme in which unemployed Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates and postgraduates (including those in Social Sciences and Humanities) are offered an opportunity to acquire practical work experience through mentoring and exposure to a research environment. Only South African university graduates with Bachelors, Honours, BTech, MTech or Master’s degrees may apply. Interns will receive a monthly salary ranging between R6 070 and R8 050 per month, depending on the level of qualification.

    International Jobs

    General International Career Service and Recruitment Agencies

    Jobs for Astronomers KEY RESOURCE
    This careers services websites provides specific information for astronomers seeking work outside of academia. The website lists international job vacancies and career development resources and tools.

    Nature Jobs
    Nature Jobs is a global career resource for scientists and an international science jobs board. 

    Seek Teachers
    Seek Teachers is a comprehensive international job website for the teaching field. Positions for teachers in the science field are advertised.

    SKA Organisation Jobs KEY RESOURCE
    The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project has a variety of international astronomy and astrophysics-related job vacancies.

    Country Specific International Career Service and Recruitment Agencies


    Euro Science Jobs KEY RESOURCE
    Euro Science Jobs is an international job website for science graduates in Europe.

    European Astronomical Society (EAS) Job Directory
    The EAS has a comprehensive job directory, which advertises positions in astronomy and astrophysics internationally.

    UK and Ireland

    Careers Group
    Careers Group is a UK career service and provides career guidance and international job vacancies.

    GradIreland KEY RESOURCE
    GradIreland is a careers publication company and works in partnership with tertiary education institutions across Ireland. They advertise jobs in Ireland and are a comprehensive career guidance website.

    Prospects KEY RESOURCE
    Prospects provides careers advice and job and course opportunities to students and graduates.

    Target Jobs KEY RESOURCE
    Target Jobs is a comprehensive career guidance and job website for the UK.

    USA and Canada

    American Astronomical Society (AAS) Job Register
    AAS has a job service, which advertises positions in astronomy and astrophysics in the US. is a US-based job website, advertising various positions.

    Physics Today Jobs
    This is a job website, which advertises positions in astronomy and astrophysics in the US.


    NGOs and NPOs are both involved in community-based initiatives but are structured differently. A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens’ group which is organized on a local, national or international level. A non-profit organisation (NPO) is a trust, company or other association of persons established for a public purpose and of which its income and property are not distributable to its members or office bearers, except as reasonable compensation for services rendered. Registering as a NPO enhances credibility for government funding and every non-profit organisation (NPO) in South Africa is issued an NPO number.

    Please research carefully the volunteer organisation you decide to work with.

    African Legend
    African Legend, located in Cape Town, is a non-profit organization that provides educational programmes for youths living in poverty. Volunteer opportunities are available, with positions such as voluntary teachers and soccer and cricket coaches needed.

    Astronomers Without Borders
    AWB is an international volunteer-based organisation that promotes astronomy and has support projects in developing countries.

    International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ)
    IVHQ is a volunteer travel company focused on providing affordable volunteer travel experiences. They provide volunteer abroad projects in over 30 destinations across Africa, Asia, Europe, Central America, South America and the Pacific in teaching, childcare, construction, conservation or healthcare.

    My Hands and Heart KEY RESOURCE
    My Hands and Heart is a non-profit organisation in South Africa, which acts as a volunteer management network and advertises a range of local volunteer opportunities.

    National Youth Service Programme KEY RESOURCE
    The South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement on behalf of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) is inviting unemployed science, engineering and technology graduates (18 to 35 years of age) to volunteer their services towards the implementation of the Youth into Science Strategy under the auspices of the National Youth Service Programme. Volunteers will be paid and placements commence in January annually.


    This information covers government funding initiatives, links to all higher education institutes in South Africa and some relevant education based websites in South Africa and the UK/USA.



    Masters Studies
    International site, search by country, useful but not comprehensive.

    Masters Portal
    International site, search by country, useful and comprehensive.

    Find a Masters
    International site, search by country. Useful. Contains information regarding funding and postgraduate open days.


    PhD Studies
    International website, search by country, useful but not comprehensive.

    Find a PhD
    International website, search by country, institution and subject. Contains information regarding funding.

    PhD Portal
    International website, search by country, useful and comprehensive.

    Doc Links
    An international website aimed at increasing understanding and establishing better links between African and European doctoral candidates. Provides useful information regarding funding, mentorship, research support, PhD resources and networking opportunities.

    UCT Doctoral Applicants Webpage KEY RESOURCE
    See for more details of PhD opportunities across the faculties and how to apply  

    Association of Commonwealth Universities KEY RESOURCE
    A site search for ‘vacancies’ provides links to sites for seeking job opportunities in Commonwealth universities, including all SADC countries except Angola and Congo.

    See additional resources on academic postgraduate opportunities. Particularly useful for Masters considering Doctorate study and PhD researcher/early career post docs.

    South Africa

    South African Department of Higher Education and Training KEY RESOURCE
    Go to institutions for a list of public universities then research courses via online prospectus.

    South African Department of Higher Education and Training KEY RESOURCE
    Use search function for “register of private higher education institutions” then research courses via online prospectus.

    National Research Foundation
    The NRF was established in 1998 from the amalgamated of the Centre for Science Development (CSD), the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and the Foundation for Research Development (FRD) and is a good website for staying up-to-date with research initiatives/centres, job and funding opportunities.

    Universities South Africa  (previously HESA) 
    Universities South Africa, formerly known as Higher Education South Africa (HESA), is a membership organisation representing South Africa’s universities. Thier new name was launched on 22 July 2015 in order to reposition the organisation as a representative body of South Africa’s public universities, that aims to promote a more inclusive, responsive and equitable national system of higher education.

    SA Bursaries KEY RESOURCE
    A comprehensive website outlining various bursaries in South Africa across different disciplines.


    Postgraduate Information (Graduate Prospects)
    Good website for finding UK based Masters with useful “insight” articles but limited information on opportunities worldwide.

    These are websites which provide directories of graduate schools in the USA and Canada and information regarding programmes, funding, immigration and other resources.


    Student Competitions KEY RESOURCE
    This is an international and up-to-date website which allows you to search for competitions for university students.


    UCT is committed to the principles of diversity and transformation, specifically a transformed university where there are no stereotypical views of others based on their gender, race or disability.

    Diversity-Related Engineering Professional Bodies & Associations

    Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
    AWIS is an American-based large multi-disciplinary organization for women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), which is dedicated to driving excellence in STEM by achieving equity and full participation of women in all disciplines and across all employment sectors. They have a careers service on their website, resources, relevant industry news and links.

    The Association of South African Women in Science & Engineering (SAWISE) KEY RESOURCE
    SAWISE supports the idea of strengthening the role of women in science and engineering in South Africa and offers scholarships, outreach initiatives, mentorship, relevant links and job listings. It is a useful resource for women in science and engineering.

    Black Management Forum (BMF)
    The BMF develops and empowers managerial leadership primarily amongst black people within organisations and the creation of managerial structures and processes which reflect the demographics and values of the wider society. They provide managerial and leadership development, research services, consulting, resources, news, links and host events.

    Business Women's Association (BWA) of South Africa
    The BWA is a non-profit and voluntary organisation which is also largest association of business and professional women in South Africa. They provide awards, events, news and networking opportunities.

    National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa (NCPPDSA)
    NCPPDSA is a national non-profit organisation that runs various projects, services and advocacy programmes for the advancement of persons with disabilities to attain integration into society and independence. The NCPPDSA acts as the national umbrella for nine provincial associations with their 90+ branches. 

    The National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP) 
    NOGLSTP is a US-based professional society that educates and advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students and professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The website provides information regarding networking, programmes, mentoring, scholarships, workshops, awards, various media resources and sector insights.

    Organization of Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)
    OWSD provides research training and networking opportunities for women scientists throughout the developing world at different stages of their career. This website provides valuable STEM information regarding PhD fellowships, workshops, mentorship and awards.

    Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
    OSTEM is a US-based national society dedicated to educating and fostering leadership for LGBTQA communities in the STEM fields and is primarily for students. OSTEM hosts LGBTQA-oriented events and provides mentoring and advice, workshops and information sessions, networking with professionals and professional recruiting.

    Women in Science, Technology and Engineering (WISE)
    WISE is an international organisation which inspires girls and women to study and build careers using STEM. This organisation provides training, recruitment resources, funding information, and advertises engineering-related job vacancies.

    Diversity-Related Services, Awards and Scholarships

    UCT provides various services and resources related to diversity and transformation. See the links below.

    UCT Disability Centre
    The UCT Disability Service works towards the removal of any physical, policy, information and attitude barriers that might prevent students and staff from fulfilling their potential. The centre provides information regarding different forms of support, resources, bursaries, funding opportunities, advocacy, counselling, academic and examination accommodations, technical assistance and other services.

    UCT Funding Boards
    Please check the postgraduate funding boards ( and undergraduate funding boards ( currently on the UCT website for up-to-date details on other diversity-related scholarships, fellowships and bursaries.

    UCT- Harvard Mandela Fellowships
    This fellowship is intended to strengthen connections between the W.E.B. Du Bois Research Institute (at the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Harvard University) and UCT, to provide opportunities for UCT staff to gain international experience, and to support the professional advancement of academics working particularly, but not only, in the humanities and social sciences. To be eligible, applicants must have been awarded the PhD degree at the time of application, and have permanent or T3 academic posts at UCT. In line with UCT’s equity objectives, preference will be given to applicants from the designated groups, with particular emphasis on black South African applicants.

    Disability Bursaries
    This website provides a comprehensive list for individuals with disabilities in South Africa.

    List of Scholarships for African Women and Developing Countries
    AfterschoolAfrica provides an up-to-date and comprehensive list of scholarships (undergraduate, Masters, MBA, PhD and Postdoctoral) that are open for women from African and developing countries.

    Margret McNamara Memorial Fund (MMF)
    The MMF awards education grants to women from developing countries to help further their education and strengthen their leadership skills.

    Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Programme (MMUF)
    MMUF is an equity-inspired program that is awarded to highly performing Black students who are entering the final year of a three-year first degree or the third year of a four-year professional degree from the sciences and humanities at UCT and other participating undergraduate institutions. The program offers financial support, organized mentoring and is designed specifically to provide students with a greater awareness of what it means to be an academic. 

    Mwalimu Nyerere African Union (AU) Scholarship Scheme
    The AU scholarship is only for applicants with physical disabilities for masters in social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, education sciences and sports sciences and closes in March annually.

    National Research Foundation (NRF)
    The NRF provides various postgraduate funding bursaries and scholarships. Preference is given to equity candidates.

    Opportunities for Africans (OFA) KEY RESOURCE
    The OFA is an online information platform that seeks to connect Africans to opportunities, such as scholarships, internships, fellowships, bursaries, conferences, jobs, competitions and volunteering positions. This is a comprehensive and up-to-date website.

    Scholarships for Women
    This website provides comprehensive information regarding scholarships, awards and funding opportunities for women.

    The description regarding UCT’s policy towards diversity in engineering and employment is sourced from the and the Transformation at UCT Page.