5fourteen - 5-18 April 2016: Careers Cafe Special edition

05 Apr 2016
05 Apr 2016

Welcome to a special edition of 5Fourteen where we focus on UCT's Careers Café taking place on 13 April 2016. These informal panel discussions give you a chance to hear the career stories of professionals in specific industries. Here are the five top things you need to know about the event and why you should sign up right now.

How Does it Work?

There are two time slots and eight different panels.

The 17h00-17h45 panel focuses on scientific research, careers in languages, entrepreneurship and academia. After a 20-minute coffee break talks will resume from 18h15-19h00 and focus on information & data, social science, environmental studies and the media. You can therefore sign up for two panel discussions. 

Why Attend? It's a Great Chance to Network

It is an ideal way to network with industry professionals.

You can also pose those burning career-related questions that have been on your mind. Rubbing shoulders with professionals who work in your field of interest can add value to your career development. Who knows, it may even lead to further opportunities.

You Learn from Others

You get to hear professionals share their career stories and journeys in their specific sectors. 

Listening to the career journeys of others can help you figure out what works – or not – when entering the industry.

You Get Additional Exposure

These panels give you added access to industry professionals.

The panels also feature topics that may not be commonly covered during other events on campus.

Book Your Spot NOW

The panel discussions will be filmed and made available at a later date. 

However, if you miss out, you can always catch the next Careers Café in September. To attend the April panel discussions, book via MyCareer. See you there!.

That's it for this edition. 

Need career help? Just Ask! 


Your Careers Service Team


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