5fourteen - 14 April 2015

This is your first edition of 5Fourteen for twenty fifteen. It keeps you up to date with the 5 career things we at Careers Service want you to know for the next fourteen days. 5Fourteen will appear in your inbox twice a month during term. We promise to keep it super short and career relevant.
Here we go:
Internship Expo

The Internship Expo is happening now, Tuesday 14 April, 10am -3pm on the Mezzanine Level of the Leslie Social Building.
ACI Worldwide, Bain & Co, Deloitte, Effcomm, IPREO, Korbitec, Oceana, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Procter & Gamble, Standard Bank, The Foschini Group and Unilever are all standing by to show you the internships they have on offer.
Shiny, new website

Careers Service had a webby make-over. See!
Yes, we are looking a little slicker online, but more importantly we made changes to make your navigation of career information easier. The new site can get you started with Career Research . As a UCT student you have a VIP pass to a special career portal beyond our website. Use your UCT login and password to get into MyCareer. Here you can search for jobs, access more extensive job search resources and get a direct line to book an appointment with a careers advisor.
Employers on Campus

The following employers will be on campus in the next 2 weeks:
Wednesday, 15 April: Procter & Gamble Presentation
Thursday, 16 April: Procter & Gamble Company Showcase
Friday, 17 April: Accenture Presentation
Tuesday, 21 April: J.P. Morgan Presentation
Wednesday, 22 April: Bowman Gilfillan Company Showcase
Reckitt Benckiser Internship Presentation
Thursday, 23 April: Grant Thornton Company Showcase (TBC)
Career in Research?

UCT Libraries invite all emerging researchers and postgrads to their annual Research Week. View programme.
Help a learner

Have a Grade 10,11 or 12 sibling who is not sure about the next step?
The UCT Careers Service Beyond School team will be engaging prospective university students at the UCT Open Day this Saturday,18 April. Find us in the Arts Block Room 118.
There is also an informative 30 min talk in LS3B that learners and parents can attend at 11am
OR 12:15pm OR 13:30pm.
That's it, need Career help? Just Ask!
Your Careers Service Team
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