31 May 2016
31 May 2016

UCT Careers Service would like to congratulate all those students who are graduating in June 2016! Well done, and we are happy that all your hard work has finally paid off. We are dedicating this 5Fourteen to you, so that you know the 5 most important career-related steps you need to take once you graduate...

Graduate Destination Survey

You know what you’re doing this year, but what about previous graduates?.

We surveyed students at both June and December graduations in 2014. View the results. Don’t forget to complete the hard copy of the graduate exit survey, which is available on the day when you collect your graduation gown. 

MyCareer is still yours

Just because you’re graduating, it doesn’t mean that we will unfriend you.

You can still log into MyCareer for resources, opportunities and to book a career consultation. Log in with your student number as per usual. Updating student records to your new status as a graduate takes a little bit of time. Once that process has been completed, you will receive an automatic email with new login instructions. Until then, log in to MyCareer using your student login. Don’t forget to pick up a copy of the new UCT Careers Service Guide 2016 at our offices, or view it online via our website. You can always follow the UCT Careers Service on Facebook and Twitter, visit our website or download the UCTMobile app.

Still job searching?

MyCareer is your sidekick

There are a still a number of opportunities available for graduates on MyCareer. Search 'full-time work - jobs after graduating' under Type of Work, and change your preference settings if necessary. Need help doing this? Touch base with the Careers Service office via email at: careers.service@uct.ac.za or call us on +27 21 650 2497.

UCT Alumni abroad

If you are moving abroad for work or further studies, connect with the UCT alumni community. 

For further details about UCT alumni international offices, visit the Development & Alumni Department's web page. Remember to send alumni-related queries to alumni@uct.ac.za.

Your Branding Dos and Don’ts

Update your Linkedin account with your new degree and work position.

Also remember to connect with UCT on Twitter (@UCT_news) or on Linkedin.

University of Cape Town Group
University of Cape Town Alumni

This way you can keep an eye on UCT news and vacancies and we can keep an eye on your career moves and be proud. Our warmest wishes accompany you for this next phase of your exciting career journey. We are interested in keeping in touch and hearing your graduate and career story.

That's it for this edition. 

Need career help? Just Ask! 


Your Careers Service Team


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