5fourteen - 12 May 2015

We are shedding a bit of the load on the career event schedule as you
head to exams and end of term. Here is our top five for your next fourteen days.
CS Guide 2015

Get yours I Give feedback I Win stuff
The Careers Service Guide 2015 is available and it is the best one yet. It features information, advice and opportunities designed to help you rock your career. Complete the Reader Survey on pg 8 of the Guide, get it back to us and you could win stuff.
Pick up your copy from our office .

Check out this short video on Flux 2014
Keen to get your FLUX on in August? Attend our 45 min information sessionon Wednesday 13 May, 1pm in LS3A.

Wondering what the UCT graduates of 2014 are up to?
We surveyed almost 4000 graduating UCT students last year.
See in what sectors they are working and what they are earning.

The following employers are coming to campus:
Thursday, 14 May: The Foschini Group Company Showcase
Tuesday, 19 May: General Electric

Barclays wants to send you to a conference in Sandton 6-8 July
Barclays in partnership with InvestSoc wants to invest in inventive women doing postgrad degrees in IT, Actuarial Sciences, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Risk Management, Maths and Statistics. Apply to be sponsored to attend their three-day conference where you can expect workshops, keynotes, challenges and networking. Apply by 16 May.
That's it, need Career help? Just Ask!
Your Careers Service Team
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